Thursday, November 5, 2009

Natural Cancer Treatment: Raw Food Diet

"The single most important factor to a healthy immune system could be nutrition. This is why tens of thousands have discovered their all natural cancer cure was found in raw living foods." This article talks about the part certain foods play in building up the immune system and beating  the disease of cancer.

Natural Cancer Cure
By Joseph F

In the American Cancer Society's document entitled, "Cancer Facts & Figures 2009," there will be 562,340 cancer deaths in 2009. There will also be 1,479,350 new cancer cases of Cancer diagnosed in the United States.

Cancer is the 2nd leading disease killer in the US ... coming only behind Heart Disease. In many parts of Asia, however, it's a very rare disease. The digestive types of Cancer, such as colon cancer, are even rarer.

The scientific evidence continues to grow that cancer often occurs because a victim's immune system has stopped working properly. It's also a fact that an individual's immune system is affected by what they eat.

How often have you heard of somebody getting treated for cancer ... whether surgically, or with chemo or radiation ... and the problem seems to go away for a time. But it quickly returns with a vengance.

Why did such a thing happen? The reason is simple. The root cause of the disease apparently wasn't addressed.

If an immune system working correctly it sort of "handles" pre-cancerous and cancerous cells before they can bunch together and turn into tumors. The white blood cells inside a healthy person seem to "eat up" cells that have mutated and become cancerous ... sort of like the old Pacman game.

Scientists can actually view this cellular activity using modern microscopes today. But they also witness something else. The white cells within an immune system that isn't working properly will be sort of lethargic. It's as if they're drugged ... not able to do their job. The cancerous cells around them are able to bunch together and form into growths.

So what does this all have to do with a natural cancer cure?

Simple. Helping the immune system to function properly is one of the most important things a cancer-sufferer should try and do.

The single most important factor to a healthy immune system could be nutrition. This is why tens of thousands have discovered their all natural cancer cure was found in raw living foods.

To find out more about a natural cancer cure, see "Living Food Cures: The Amazing Stories of 11 People Who Beat Disease Using Raw & Whole Foods." Discover how raw foods may be able to help put you on a nutritional path to healing and wellness. See resources from the Living Food Reporter at

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